Building participatory power that nurtures an environment where collective liberation is our shared reality.

  • "Collective Liberation in Practice was a gift to our organization. Mu and Haydee brought a very deep level of knowledge, resources, and compassion to our organization's struggles. They listened deeply, pushed us to grow at our edges, and came up with beautiful solutions for our organization that both brought in new ideas but meshed perfectly with our organization's unique vision. Very grateful for this experience."

  • "Mu and Haydee provide thoughtful and transparent feedback and direction. They take time to understand the organization to help realign the organization with its mission and values. They help recognize systems of oppressions, capitalism and racisms that are perpetuated by certain practices within the organization.”

  • Mu and Haydee were visibly dedicated to guiding our collective to acknowledge our issues and traumas while also holding space for positive interactions and healing. I am beyond grateful for the work they are committed to and how they immerse themselves in their work.


Participatory Practice

Are you ready to be grounded in a practice of acknowledgement, reckoning, decolonization and healing?

Applying a participatory practice will help us shift decision-making to those who are often furthest from power and closest to oppression.

Being grounded in participatory ways of operating will allow us to put equity, accessibility and justice into practice.

We help small and large movements and organizations center, prioritize and protect Black and Indigenous people, other communities of color and those who have been historically marginalized and disenfranchised.

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Regenerative Strategies

Are you willing to expand your strategies with regenerative values of mutual respect, restoration and reciprocity?

Aligning with a regenerative orientation will transform how we are in relationship with the world, ourselves and one another.

Fostering an environment of clear communication, grace, accountability, trust-building, and responsive action is vital to our pursuit of ethical, right, and healthy relation.

We will provide you with intersectional and holistic strategies that unearth our interconnected, interdependent, and inextricable realities, struggles and livelihoods to harness our collective power.


Sustainable Solutions

Do you believe in a radical, equitable, and futuristic redistribution of time, energy, resources and power?

Solving the problems we face in a sustainable fashion serves to improve and preserve our collective quality of life in lasting ways.

We will support our partners in cocreating solutions that sow the seeds of change we would like to see in our shared reality. Problem-solving with futuristic foresight will help us bring collective liberation to fruition in the present and for generations to come.